About us

About us

Menarini in Italy

Menarini, founded in Naples in 1886, has had its headquarters in Florence for more than 100 years.

In Italy, the Menarini Group has over 4,000 employees working in the company’s 8 manufacturing sites (4 in Tuscany, 1 in Lazio, 2 in Lombardy, and 1 in Abruzzo), 5 R&D centres ( 3 in Tuscany, 1 in Lazio, and 1 in Emilia Romagna), 5 pharmaceutical companies ( 4 in Tuscany and 1 in Lombardy) and 2 diagnostics companies (1 in Tuscany and 1 in Emilia Romagna).

A new production plant is also under construction in Florence, and will be dedicated to the manufacture of oral solids with a production capacity of approximately 100 million packs per year, the equivalent of almost 3 billion tablets. This new production site foresees an investment of 150 million Euro and is expected, directly and indirectly, to create jobs for 600 people.

8 Manufacturing Sites
5 R&D Centres
5 Pharmaceutical Companies
2 Diagnostics Companies

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

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Quality comes first

Quality is the backbone of our company and drives any activity in development, production, distribution and pharmacovigilance, required that a medicinal product is safe, effective and acceptable to patients.

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History of Our Group

History of Our Group

Discover our milestones since 1886: the origins, the international expansion step by step and the recent acquisitions.

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Our values

Values of Our Group

Everyday we put our values into action. 4 values, which have given life to Menarini and have shaped its history.

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Available positions

Menarini employees make all the difference, every day.
Discover the available positions at Menarini Italy!

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Menarini Blog

  • Menarini4People
  • WeAreMenarini
La nuova campagna Menarini per comprendere meglio la BPCO
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  • Menarini4People
La Fame non Va in Vacanza: Menarini Spagna e il contributo a favore dell’accessibilità alimentare
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  • Menarini4People
  • WeAreMenarini
Il Think Tank On Radar scende in campo per contrastare il calo demografico
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Donations of backpacks and cases for school, distribution of meals and medicines, promotion of sport, support for pregnant women and much more: being responsible for Menarini means transforming good intentions into concrete efforts.

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